1/25開催【PDP】J-CLIL Tohoku Symposium Exploring the Potential of CLIL within the Japanese Context

日時:2020年1月25日(土)13:00-17:00場所:東北大学 川内北キャンパス 教育・学生総合支援センター 東棟4 階 大会議室


 CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a teaching approach in which a foreign language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. This J-CLIL Tohoku Symposium aims to introduce the basic concepts of this teaching methodology through a series of presentations that explore the CLIL approach through an explanation of theory and practice, as well as a practical guide to CLIL materials and the implementation of CLIL classes at university level.
The symposium will be of benefit to not only language teachers but to both STEM and humanities specialists who wish to teach their courses in English but are seeking guidance on how to do this.



13:00-13:05 Opening Remarks
       Masahiro Yamaguchi
      (Vice President of Tohoku University
       Director, Center for Culture and Language Education,
       Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University)

13:05-13:15 Introduction
       Barry Kavanagh(J-CLIL Tohoku President
       Associate Professor, Tohoku University)

13:15-13:45 What is CLIL? An Overview
       Barry Kavanagh
13:45-14:15 CLIL Materials
       Satsuki Kojima (J-CLIL Tohoku Vice President
       Associate Professor, Miyagi University)

14:15-14:25 10 minutes break

14:25-15:15 CLIL in Humanities subjects
       Masako Iwano(Dean and Professor, Yamaguchi Prefectural University)
       Mark Swanson(Lecturer, Yamaguchi Prefectural University)

15:15-15:25 10 minutes break

15:25-16:55 Workshop: How to“CLILify”Content Classes to Guide Students’Understanding
       Graham McKenzie(Project Associate Professor, Sophia University)
16:55-17:00 Closing Remarks
       Fujio Ohmori
      (Director, Center for Professional Development
       Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University)

東北大学 高度教養教育・学生支援機構 言語・文化教育センター/大学教育支援センター

東北大学 高度教養教育・学生支援機構
言語・文化教育センター准教授/J-CLIL東北支部長 バリー・カヴァナ
Email: kavanagh.barry.e7[at]tohoku.ac.jp ※atを@に置き換えてください。

東北大学 高度教養教育・学生支援機構 大学教育支援センター
TEL: 022-795-4471
Email: iehe-seminar@g-mail.tohoku-university.jp
申込: http://www.ihe.tohoku.ac.jp/pd/index.cgi?program_num=1574828177