
Vice President for Education Reform and Global Management / IEHE Vice Director/ Professor (School of Science Physics)


Satoshi UEHARA(Cognitive Linguistics)
Xiumin ZHAO(Chinese Language Education, Education Technology, e-Learning)
Associate Professor
Shuichi TAKEBAYASHI(English Education, American Studies)
Associate Professor
Shizuka SAKURAI (TESOL, Second Language Acquisition)
Associate Professor
Vincent SCURA (Second Language Acquisition
Associate Professor
Ryan SPRING(English Linguistics, Second Language Learning)
Associate Professor
Richard MERES(Communication, English Linguistics)
Associate Professor
Barry KAVANAGH (CLIL, Second Language Acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics)
Associate Professor
Minkyeong KANG(German Linguistics)
Associate Professor
Susanne ENDO(German Language Education, Japanese Northern History)
Associate Professor
Yosuke FUKAI(French Literature, French)
Associate Professor
Yoichi TABAYASHI(Spanish, Linguistics)
Associate Professor
Cecilia SILVA(Foreign Language Education: Spanish)
Associate Professor
HyeonCheol KIM(Korean Performning Arts Theory, Japanese-Korea Comparative Cultural Theory)
Associate Professor
Wataru NAKAMURA(Linguistic Typology)
Associate Professor
Masako HAYASHI(Japanese Linguistics, Japanese Language Education)
Associate Professor
Yuko SAWABE (Japanese Language Education)
Associate Professor
Yukiko SHUKURI (Sociolinguistics, Japanese Language Education)
Senior Assistant Professor
Senior Assistant Professor
Takayuki MIURA(English Language Education、Applied Linguistics、Psycholinguistics)
Senior Assistant Professor
Taishi KOBAYASHI(Linguistics of German, Theoretical Linguistics)
Senior Assistant Professor
Chloé BELLEC (Gender history, French Language Education)
Senior Assistant Professor
Xuan WANG (Linguistics)
Senior Assistant Professor
GUI WEN(Chinese Linguistics)
Senior Assistant Professor
YAO YAO(Chinese Linguistics, Japanese Linguistics, Historical Linguistics)
Specially Appointed Lecturer
Jessica TAKEDA (English-language teaching)
Specially Appointed Lecturer
Xiaorong ZHANG (Linguistics)